We recommend the following browsers and versions for the optimal experience while using our product or visiting an Advisor Websites site:
Microsoft Edge: Version 81 or above (download here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge)
Mozilla Firefox: Version 78 or above (download here: https://www.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/browsers/)
Google Chrome: Version 83 or above (download here: https://www.google.com/intl/en_ca/chrome/)
Safari: Version 13.1 or above (native to macOS)
Opera: Version 69 or above (download here: https://www.opera.com/)
A note about Internet Explorer 11
As of August 21st, 2021, Microsoft will no longer be supporting Internet Explorer 11 (IE11). As such, Advisor Websites has made the decision from a platform management and digital sustainability perspective to reduce and/or remove the customized elements of our platform that supported IE11.
The customizations that were required to support IE11 had significant impacts on our platform service ability, as well as performance, including page loading times and responsiveness. We recognize that some of our clients and partners are still using IE11, and their website experience may be affected by this. We encourage you to use the recommended browsers listed above.