The dashboard contains many different types of dynamic content; all terminology and use cases are included below. When conducting an initial website review, we recommend approving content in the order of the headers shown below.

Company Profile

The company profile contains basic information about the business and includes technical details about the site. It will be shown under the "Pending Task" header during the review process, usually as the business name. When it's not under review, you can edit the content by clicking "Edit company information" above the "Pending Task" header.

The Compliance Dashboard uses dynamic tokens for these basic elements to make updates easier. This allows advisors to make changes in one place and then apply them across the entire site. This also helps the compliance teams avoid reviewing multiple pages for minor updates, such as an email address. The website cannot go live until the Company Profile is approved.

The information includes the businesses' Names, Emails, Phone Numbers, Logos, Addresses, Licenses, Disclaimers, and Social Media.


Blocks are dynamic elements that can be displayed across multiple pages. As they don't have a central URL, most block reviews will take you directly to the content editor page. While blocks are typically populated exclusively on a website's homepage, they can also be applied in other areas of the website's layout, such as the footer and header. Some of the common blocks are detailed below.

Custom Block - A regular block that typically houses images/text.

Slider / Full-Screen Slider - The default block used on the Homepage and at the top of each content page typically includes a header image and header text/page titles.

Grid Block - Multiple blocks are used in one view, and the blocks included won't be shown unless they are also approved.


Content represents standalone pages that will have their own unique URL. There are 6 main types:
Pages, Articles/Blogs, Team Members, Events, Products and Services, and Frequently Asked Questions.

Menu links

Advisors can have a collection of links at the top of their website. Menu links are sent through the compliance manager to ensure all links are permitted to show. Clients typically include core pages, but they can also include email addresses and external links to client logins. When a Menu Link is linked to a page, it will be automatically approved alongside the page. If a Menu link is approved but the page itself is not, the Menu link and its content will not appear. 


Advisors can create custom contact forms within the Snappy Kraken dashboard; these can appear as Contact Us, Book a Meeting, Subscribe to a newsletter, and more. 

To improve the turnaround time for our compliance officers, we've created a dedicated email to expedite compliance requests. To contact Compliance Support, please email [email protected] or submit a ticket. We've also introduced a dedicated compliance line at 1-844-762-7795 ext.4 for urgent requests.