There are two steps you will need to take to check the status of your support ticket. Please note, each time the status of a ticket has been changed, you will also receive an email notification. 

Step 1] 

You will need to login to your Support Portal to check the status of a support ticket. To access the Support Portal, you will first need to go to

From here, there are 3 different ways you can access the login page for the Support Portal:

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Login in the ‘Your Support Zone’ box

  2. Select the Knowledge Base under ‘Choose Your Experience’

    1. Select Login in the top right hand corner of the page
  3. Select Submit a Ticket under ‘Choose Your Experience’ 

    1. Select Login in the top right hand corner of the page

Please note that this login is NOT the same as your website dashboard. If you do not have a Support Portal account you will need to click Sign Up NOT Sign In. Once you enter your full name and email address, please follow the prompts that will be sent to your email.

Once you have an account for the Support Portal, you can bookmark the URL for quick and easy access.

Step 2] 

Once you are logged in to the Support Portal, there are two ways you can check on the status of a ticket. 

  1. Under the ‘How can we help you today?’ search bar, you will find a button that says ‘Check Ticket Status’

    1. Click on the ‘Check Ticket Status’ button. You will be redirected to a page that shows your Open and Pending tickets. 

    2. Each ticket will have a ticket number associated with each request, and ticket status. 

  2. On the top left hand corner of the page, you will see a menu that has the following items: ‘Home’, ‘Solutions’, ‘Forum’, and ‘Tickets’

    1. Select the ‘Tickets’ menu item. 

    2. Each ticket will have a ticket number associated with each request, and ticket status. 

What does each ‘Status’ of the tickets mean?

There are 5 different status’ a support ticket can have:

  1. Being Processed 

    1. These mean that your support ticket is still in the general queue, waiting to be picked up by a support agent
  2. Working On

    1. This means that your ticket is being actively worked on by one of our support agents. 
  3. Awaiting your Reply 

    1. This means that one of our agents are waiting for a reply from you. 
  4. Waiting for compliance 

    1. This means that any updates made to your website has been submitted for review by compliance, and our support agents are waiting for the change to be approved. 
  5. Closed or Resolved

    1. This means that the request tied to the ticket has been resolved. 
    2. On the top right hand corner of the ticket, there is a Satisfaction Rating. You can select a rating based on your experience, and provide feedback so we can better serve your needs in the future. 

Each time the status of a ticket has been changed, you will receive an email notification.