Every moderation activity is kept within the Recent Activity section; you can locate this log by clicking on a specific Website or Fleet.

By default the system will show the 10 most recent actions, pressing "Activity Feed" at the bottom left will allow you to go all the way back up until the creation of the site.

Moderation actions include Needs Review, Approved, Rejected, and Archived. If revision comments were included, they will appear on the right-hand side.

Clicking on an item will allow you to view the content, make changes to the existing copy, compare previous revisions, revert to previous revisions, view the content history, and download PDF copies of approved versions.

To improve the turnaround time for our compliance officers, we've created a dedicated email to expedite compliance requests. To contact Compliance Support, please email compliance@snappykraken.com or submit a ticket. We've also introduced a dedicated compliance line at 1-844-762-7795 ext.4 for urgent requests.