Force Platform

To create a new button, follow these steps:

  1. While logged into your dashboard, navigate to the page or block where you want to add the button.


  2. Type the text you want for your button in the desired location on the page.


  3. Highlight this text and click the chain icon (link icon) in the toolbar to add a hyperlink.


  4. In the hyperlink dialog box, go to the "Advanced" section.


  5. In the "CSS Classes" field, type "button" and then click "Save".


  6. A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated


  7. Click "Draft" to preview the button on your page. The button will not be visible in the text editor, so this step is crucial for ensuring it appears as expected.


  8. If the button looks correct in the draft preview, return to the edit mode of the page or block.


  9. If the button appears as expected, click "Publish" to update it on your live site, or select "Needs Review" if your website has a compliance workflow.


  10. In case the button appears only as a hyperlink and not as a button, revisit the hyperlink settings. Right-click on the hyperlink, choose "Edit link", and check the "Advanced" section to ensure it contains "button"  and add the word "primary" afterward.


  11. After making these adjustments, preview again using "Draft" to ensure the button displays correctly.


  12. Once satisfied with the appearance, go back to edit mode and choose "Publish" or "Needs Review" to finalize the changes.