This doesn't look like my dashboard.

Force Platform

1. Select My Content

2. Select Team from the 'My Content' list

3. Click Add New to create a new team member profile

4. Add the information for your new team member

5. To add a profile picture click SELECT IMAGE. Upload the photo from your computer.

  • NOTE: Make sure to follow the optimization guidelines here to when uploading images. Headshots are should be around less then 300kB. 
  • If the images are getting cut off, you can also edit the image and adjust the cross hair icons to the right target. 

6. To save your progress select DRAFT at the bottom.

7. To publish to the live website select  PUBLISHED or NEEDS REVIEW (if your website is on a compliance workflow)

Instructional Video:

Please note: in some cases, the team page is a custom page. Therefore, you will need to manually edit the specific team page. Please contact our support team if you require assistance.