This doesn't look like my dashboard.

Force Platform

  1. On your website dashboard, go to 'Apps' on the left hand side menu 
  2. Click 'ADD APP' underneath the 'FAQs' section to activate the FAQ content type 
  3. In the pop-up, fill in what you'd like to title your FAQ section (EG: type in FAQs to have the title 'FAQS'.)
  4. Select 'My Content' from the left hand side menu
  5. Click on your newly created FAQ section (it will appear as the same title you entered for step 3)
  6. Click the 'ADD NEW' button to create a new FAQ
  7. Type in your desired question, teaser (optional), and answer 
  8. To save your progress without making it live select the 'SAVE AS DRAFT' button on the bottom of the page
  9. To publish or submit to compliance*, please select the 'PUBLISH' or 'SUBMIT TO COMPLIANCE' buttons on the bottom of the page
  10. Repeat steps 6-10 for every question you add

Drag and drop functionality to reorder your questions are coming soon to Force! In the meantime, you can re-order the FAQs by changing the weights of each questions. 

  1. On your list of FAQ, click the pencil icon on the right hand side of the question you want to edit

  2. In the pop-up that appears, scroll down to locate the weight field and enter the number you want the question to appear (EG: weight will be 1 to appear first, 2 to appear second, so on..)

  3. Click Save and Keep Published or Save and Send for Review if your website is on a compliance workflow. 

If you need assistance in doing this, please contact support and [email protected] 

Once the FAQ content is created, you will need to create a menu item so that it is accessible to your website visitors. To see how to update your main menu, please see this helpful article


*Note that if you are on a compliance workflow, the FAQ will be live only when approved.